Friday, May 25, 2012

So, I ran across this video on you tube.  In it the announcer talks about a study that "proves" plus size models or "thicker women" cause low self-esteem among women.  This "study" doesn't bother me mainly because there are a lot of studies out here that can "prove" just about anything.  Everyone is different with different opinions, cultures, growing up in different communities and families that shape us.  So just because one college has come up with this study does not mean its true.

The problem I have with this video is the fact that the announcer stated that when models who are skinny are seen they are seen as skinny models and when models who are plus sized are viewed they are viewed as plus size models.  I have to disagree.  When I hear someone talk about "models" they are usually referring to models who are skinny.  When someone refers to a plus size model they usually say, "plus size model".

My question is why?

The plus size woman is doing the same thing the skinny woman is doing.  She's modeling a specific product for a specific company.  Why does she need a label about her size?

This doesn't really bother me when it happens, but I have noticed that it happens.  What bothered me about the video is that the announcer doesn't know what she's talking about.  I watched a few of their videos on the subject and I can honestly say that neither one of them have a complete understanding of the plus size community. 

Just my thoughts:)

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